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Hypnobirthing Australia™ 

The Positive Birth Program

The Hypnobirthing Australia™ Positive Birth Program is about helping you on your way to a positive birth experience no matter how and where your birth unfolds.


What is Hypnobirthing?


Self-hypnosis during your birth is all about being in a deeply relaxed state of mind. I always compare it to that same drive home from work where you are so lost in your thoughts that when you arrive home, you doubt if you ran a red light. Losing track of time and distance like that is hypnosis; a normal state of mind that we experience many times every day. It is the perfect mindset for labour. Hypno-mama's describe it as feeling deeply relaxed and with no awareness of time. You will be able to block all distractions so you can focus on your body and baby in birth and be immediately present when needed.

If you practice Hypnobirthing (self-hypnosis and guided meditation) during pregnancy, you can slip into a deeply relaxed state of mind with ease and you can condition your mind to view your birth as a natural and positive experience. However you want to birth, you will feel excited and prepared for the best moment of your live.


How can 'The Positive Birth Program' help me?

The Positive Birth Program will help you and your birth partner approach birth without fear because you are equipped with knowledge about how your mind, body and baby can work harmoniously together. Knowledge is power! You will have also prepared and practiced many birthing techniques so you feel confident and excited for your birth!

Hypnobirthing Australia™ developed The Positive Birth Program. It is evidence-based and one of the fastest growing childbirth education courses in Australia. Besides learning about the physiological process of birth, you will learn how to best utilise those feel-good hormones to assist in creating an efficient and positive birth experience.

The Positive Birth Program also spends a lot of time educating mama's birth partner, whoever that may be. The birth partner will know exactly how they can best support your in labour, how to advocate for your needs and preferences, how to make informed decisions that are best for mama and baby, and much more! You both will be prepared and practiced with birthing techniques and so much knowledge. It is a wonderful feeling to go into your birthing day together as a team!

Mentioned below are only a few of the many birthing techniques we discuss to create and maintain a relaxed and positive mindset which supports the natural flow of labour.


‘Hypnobirthing is as much a philosophy of birthing as it is techniques. When a mother and her birth partner are able to approach their birth without fear and with knowledge, good support, and tools for the birth – then their birthing can be a positive and empowering experience.’ (Hypnobirthing Australia™, 2021)

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